L. Luft,
A. Schaefer,
T. Schubert and
W. Burgard.
Detecting Changes in the Environment Based on Full Posterior Distributions Over Real-Valued Grid Maps.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 3 no. 2, pages 1299-1305, 2018.
A. Schaefer,
L. Luft and
W. Burgard.
DCT Maps: Compact Differentiable Lidar Maps Based on the Cosine Transform.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 3 no. 2, pages 1002-1009, 2018.
Miguel de la Iglesia Valls,
Hubertus Franciscus Cornelis Hendrikx,
Victor Reijgwart,
Fabio Vito Meier,
Inkyu Sa,
Renaud Dubé,
Abel Roman Gawel,
Mathias Bürki and
Roland Siegwart.
Design of an Autonomous Racecar: Perception, State Estimation and System Integration.
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
Best Student Paper Award.
Ciro Potena,
Bartolo Della Corte,
Daniele Nardi,
Giorgio Grisetti and
Alberto Pretto.
Non-Linear Model Predictive Control with Adaptive Time-Mesh Refinement.
In International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), 2018.
A. Milioto and
C. Stachniss.
Bonnet: An Open-Source Training and Deployment Framework for Semantic Segmentation in Robotics using CNNs.
In Workshop on Perception, Inference, and Learning for Joint Semantic, Geometric, and Physical Understanding, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
Takahiro Miki,
Marija Popovic,
Abel Gawel,
Gregory Hitz and
Roland Siegwart.
Multi-agent Time-based Decision-making for the Search and Action Problem.
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
Abhinav Valada,
Noha Radwan and
Wolfram Burgard.
Deep Auxiliary Learning for Visual Localization and Odometry.
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
A. Milioto,
P. Lottes and
C. Stachniss.
Real-time Semantic Segmentation of Crop and Weed for Precision Agriculture Robots Leveraging Background Knowledge in CNNs.
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
W. Winterhalter,
F. V. Fleckenstein,
C. Dornhege and
W. Burgard.
Crop Row Detection on Tiny Plants With the Pattern Hough Transform.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 3 no. 4, Oct 2018.
I. Sa,
Z. Chen,
M. Popovic,
R. Khanna,
F. Liebisch,
J. Nieto and
R. Siegwart.
weedNet: Dense Semantic Weed Classification Using Multispectral Images and MAV for Smart Farming.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 3 no. 1, pages 588-595, January 2018.
Inkyu Sa,
Marija Popovic,
Raghav Khanna,
Zetao Chen,
Philipp Lottes,
Frank Liebisch,
Juan Nieto,
Cyrill Stachniss,
Achim Walter and
Roland Siegwart.
WeedMap: A large-scale semantic weed mapping framework using aerial multispectral imaging and deep neural network for precision farming.
MDPI Remote Sensing, 2018.
(to appear).
H. Oleynikova,
Z. Taylor,
R. Siegwart and
J. Nieto.
Safe Local Exploration for Replanning in Cluttered Unknown Environments for Micro-Aerial Vehicles.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2018.
Z. Chen,
L. Liu,
I. Sa,
Z. Ge and
M. Chli.
Learning Context Flexible Attention Model for Long-term Visual Place Recognition.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2018.
Stefan Glaser,
Alexander Schaefer and
Wolfram Burgard.
Mapping and Localization using Multispectral Imaging of the Soil.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Workshop, Unconventional Sensing and Processing for Robotic Visual Perception, 2018.
P. Lottes,
J. Behley,
A. Milioto and
C. Stachniss.
Fully Convolutional Networks with Sequential Information for Robust Crop and Weed Detection in Precision Farming.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2018.
M. Imperoli,
C. Potena,
D. Nardi,
G. Grisetti and
A. Pretto.
An Effective Multi-Cue Positioning System for Agricultural Robotics.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2018.
Philipp Lottes,
Jens Behley,
Nived Chebrolu,
Andres Milioto and
Cyrill Stachniss.
Joint Stem Detection and Crop-Weed Classification for Plant-specific Treatment in Precision Farming.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018.
N. Chebrolu,
T. Läbe and
C. Stachniss.
Robust Long-Term Registration of UAV Images of Crop Fields for Precision Agriculture.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 3 no. 4, pages 3097-3104, 2018.
Achim Walter,
Raghav Khanna,
Philipp Lottes,
Cyrill Stachniss,
Roland Siegwart,
Juan Nieto and
Frank Liebisch.
Flourish-A robotic approach for automation in crop management.
In International Conference on Precision Agriculture, 06 2018.
Inkyu Sa,
Mina Samir Kamel,
Michael Burri,
Michael Bloesch,
Raghav Khanna,
Marija Popovic,
Juan Nieto and
Roland Siegwart.
Build your own visual-inertial odometry aided cost-effective and open-source autonomous drone.
, vol. PP, 2017.
C. Müller-Ruh,
F. Liebisch,
J. Pfeifer and
A. Walter.
Investigation of ground based and airborne spectral information for Nitrogen fertilizer application optimization in sugar beet.
Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, vol. 90, 2017.
Z. Chen,
F. Maffra and
I. Sa.
Only Look Once, Mining Distinctive Landmarks from ConvNet for Visual Place Recognition.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
Lukas Luft,
Alexander Schaefer,
Tobias Schubert and
Wolfram Burgard.
Closed-Form Full Map Posteriors for Robot Localization with Lidar Sensors.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
Florian Kraemer,
Alexander Schaefer,
Andreas Eitel,
Johan Vertens and
Wolfram Burgard.
From Plants to Landmarks: Time-invariant Plant Localization that uses Deep Pose Regression in Agricultural Fields.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Workshop, Agri-Food Robotics, 2017.
J. Hwangbo,
I. Sa,
R. Siegwart and
M. Hutter.
Control of a Quadrotor With Reinforcement Learning.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 2 no. 4, pages 2096-2103, 2017.
P. Lottes and
C. Stachniss.
Semi-Supervised Online Visual Crop and Weed Classification in Precision Farming Exploiting Plant Arrangement.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
A. Milioto,
P. Lottes and
C. Stachniss.
Real-time Blob-wise Sugar Beets vs Weeds Classification for Monitoring Fields using Convolutional Neural Networks.
In ISPRS Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics (UAV-g), 2017.
N. Chebrolu,
P. Lottes,
A. Schaefer,
W. Winterhalter,
W. Burgard and
C. Stachniss.
Agricultural robot dataset for plant classification, localization and mapping on sugar beet fields.
The Internatiounal Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 2017.
A. Schaefer,
L. Luft and
W. Burgard.
An Analytical Lidar Sensor Model Based on Ray Path Information.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2017.
M. Popovic,
G. Hitz,
J. Nieto,
I. Sa,
R. Siegwart and
E. Galceran.
Online Informative Path Planning for Active Classification Using UAVs.
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2017.
P. Lottes,
R. Khanna,
J. Pfeifer,
R. Siegwart and
C. Stachniss.
UAV-Based Crop and Weed Classification for Smart Farming.
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017.
M. Popovic,
T. Vidal Calleja,
G. Hitz,
I. Sa,
R. Siegwart and
J. Nieto.
Multiresolution Mapping and Informative Path Planning for UAV-based Terrain Monitoring.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
F. Fleckenstein,
C. Dornhege and
W. Burgard.
Efficient Path Planning for Mobile Robots with Adjustable Wheel Positions.
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017.
A. R. Vetrella,
I. Sa,
M. Popovic,
R. Khanna,
J. Nieto,
G. Fasano,
D. Accardo and
R. Siegwart.
Improved Tau-Guidance and Vision-aided Navigation for Robust Autonomous Landing of UAVs.
In Field and Service Robotics, 2017.
M. Di Cicco,
C. Potena,
G. Grisetti and
A. Pretto.
Automatic Model Based Dataset Generation for Fast and Accurate Crop and Weeds Detection.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
D. Albani,
D. Nardi and
T. Vito.
Field Coverage and Weed Mapping by UAV Swarms.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
C. Potena,
D. Nardi and
A. Pretto.
Effective Target Aware Optimal Visual Navigation for UAVs.
In The European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR), 2017.
R. Khanna,
I. Sa,
J. Nieto and
R. Siegwart.
On field radiometric calibration for multispectral cameras.
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017.
H. Sommer,
R. Khanna,
I. Gilitschenski,
Z. Taylor,
R. Siegwart and
J. Nieto.
A Low-Cost System for High-Rate, High-Accuracy Temporal Calibration for LIDARs and Cameras.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
I. Sa,
M. Kamel,
R. Khanna,
M. Popovic,
J. Nieto and
R. Siegwart.
Dynamic System Identification, and Control for a cost effective open-source VTOL MAV.
In Field and Service Robotics, 2017.
J. Schneider,
C. Stachniss and
W. Förstner.
On the Accuracy of Dense Fisheye Stereo.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 1 no. 1, pages 227-234, 2016.
J. Schneider,
C. Eling,
L. Klingbeil,
H. Kuhlmann,
C. Stachniss and
Fast and effective online pose estimation and mapping for UAVs.
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), pages 4784-4791. IEEE, 2016.
C. Potena,
D. Nardi and
A. Pretto.
Fast and Accurate Crop and Weed Identification with Summarized Train Sets for Precision Agriculture.
In International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS), 2016.
P. Lottes,
M. Hoeferlin,
S. Sander,
M. Müter,
P. Schulze-Lammers and
C. Stachniss.
An Effective Classification System for Separating Sugar Beets and Weeds for Precision Farming Applications.
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), 2016.
Ciro Potena,
Marco Imperoli,
Alberto Pretto,
Daniele Nardi,
Simona Talevi and
Sandro Nardi.
La robotica autonoma al servizio dell'agricoltura di precisione: primi risultati di classificazione automatica delle infestanti nel progetto Flourish.
In Proceedings of Giornate Fitopatologiche, pages 641-650, 2016.
Philipp Lottes,
Markus Hörferlin,
Slawomir Sander and
Cyrill Stachniss.
Effective Vision-based Classification for Separating Sugar Beets and Weeds for Precision Farming.
Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 34 no. 6, pages 1160-1178, 2016.
J. Pfeifer,
R. Khanna,
D. Constantin,
M. Popovic,
E. Galceran,
N. Kirchgessner,
A. Walter,
R. Siegwart and
F. Liebisch.
Towards automatic UAV data interpretation for precision farming.
In International Conference of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR-AgEng), 2016.
F. Liebisch,
J. Pfeifer,
R. Khanna,
P. Lottes,
C. Stachniss,
T. Falck,
S. Sander,
R. Siegwart,
A. Walter and
E. Galceran.
Flourish-A robotic approach for automation in crop management.
22. Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse und Unbemannte autonom fliegende Systeme in der Landwirtschaft, 2016.
R. Khanna,
M. Moller,
J. Pfeifer,
F. Liebisch,
A. Walter and
R. Siegwart.
Beyond point clouds - 3D mapping and field parameter measurements using UAVs.
In Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2015 IEEE 20th Conference on, pages 1-4. IEEE, 2015.
M. Imperoli and
A. Pretto.
D2CO: Fast and Robust Registration of 3D Textureless Objects using the Directional Chamfer Distance.
In Proc. of: 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, pages 316-328, 2015.
R. Khanna,
J. Rehder,
M. Möller,
E. Galceran and
R. Siegwart.
Studying Phenotypic Variability in Crops using a Hand-held Sensor Platform.
In IROS Workshop on Agri-Food Robotics, 2015.